Hello everyone,
I have written Windows Speech Recognition Macros for ViaCAD 2D/3D v8.
If you have trained a Speech Recognition Profile within Windows, and have installed the free WSRMacros.msi software from Microsoft, you may find this useful.
Included in the attachment is an edited VC3Shortcuts.ini, the WSRMacro file I created and a reference spreadsheet in .ods format
These include references to all 384 commands that are capable of having keybindings set.
Please familiarize yourself with the location of your current VC3Shortcuts.ini and create a backup file. You may either merge the section under and including [Voice Recognition] or replace the entire file. A Unicode compatible text editor is required. I used Notepad++, a free editor.
Please verify you have software capable of reading .ods formats.
I used Libreoffice, a free office suite.
Please familiarize yourself with your WSRMacros.msi installation and functionality after you have trained your Windows Speech Recognition Profile.
So, simply put...
Backup and replace/merge your VC3Shortcuts.ini with the included.
Copy "ViaCAD 2D-3D v8.WSRMac" to your 'documents\speech macros' folder
be running both Windows Speech Recognition Macros, and Windows Speech Recognition, with a trained profile ofcourse.
Open ViaCAD and try out some commands in the reference document.
Hope you all enjoy and find it useful. Any errors are my own. Suggestions welcome.
Keith K.
File Attachment(s):
ViaCAD to Share.zip
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