I am Running build 1180 but looks like this worked like this before in previous builds.
Some times I can get it to work on what i am doing and not others.
I try for ages with it selecting quickly then something will make things run slow, then it selects and is Working,
Selection run slowly and the processing as well but it will work selecting enclosed curves on the solid. then i can move part of a surface on the same part of a drawing that previously would not select. And it will carry on working for that session but stops if I close the drawing.
I’m not sure what is triggering the behaviour and making it work is there a problem with the push pull tool or a special way i have not got right and understood?
I have a feeling I have seen a video with what I am attempting to do.
I projected curves onto a solid as you can see from my screen shots along the side and eventually achieved the result shown but am unsure why sometimes it works and most of the time not others.
it works wit simpler things first time!!
Edited by user Saturday, November 28, 2015 4:00:16 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
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