Hi All,
I am just learning how to use my desktop CNC mill (not a router).
I used some of the basic tools in SharkFx to create a surfboard fin and then boolean it to a base for a finbox slot.
This would be for a surfboard or kite board if you wanted to know.
Although the stock got loose from the spoil board, the CNC (a Carbide3d Nomad 883) was able to nearly complete
the job before the light weight 2-sided sticky tape failed, you get an idea from the image what it was going to be.
The process involved creating the part in SharkFX, exporting an STL, then opening in MeshCAM (really easy to use) to create the tool paths,
)which you can find out about at the makers website), then exporting an *.nc file from it.
From that point the *.nc file is opened in Carbide Motion, locating "0" for all axis on the stock and then letting it cut away.
Edited by user Wednesday, August 26, 2015 4:29:50 PM(UTC)
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