Here's another tip.
I start programs that need the most attention of CPU & RAM using PowerShell script. As example, my video editing software, along with my VCprov11, start up and then change to AboveNormal priority. This actually makes these programs run better for you. I also tune out the realtime component of AV software where these programs create files as they run (aka "working files" that come and go).
So to make this all ez from a "click" perspective I use PowerShell script (below). For VCpro it's fairly ez as it does not spawn additional process like my video editing software does.
Default Win10 powershell policy is to not allow any user to just dbl-click a powershell script and run, which is good. So you need to right click the shortcut you make and select "run with powershell" option.
1) create the .ps1 script (notepad is fine, but if you know how to use the PS ISE editor then use that so you can edit and test more easily and see errors if they occur).
2) then create a shortcut to that .ps1 file. You can change the icon when creating the shortcut, just browse to your program exe file and select it.
The path to your program may be different, just be sure the path is right, and the name of the EXE file is correct in line 3.
Quote:& "C:\Program Files\Punch! Software\ViaCAD Pro 11\exe\ViaCADPRO.exe";
Start-Sleep -Second 5;
Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "ViaCADPRO.exe"' | foreach-object { $_.SetPriority(32768) };
There's a short pause in there because the script can run faster than the time it takes for the EXE to get fully loaded into the OS. You can test with AboveNormal and High, do not use Realtime
For reference (SetPriority values):
256 Realtime
128 High
32768 Above normal
32 Normal
16384 Below normal
64 Low