Hey jdi000, thank you so much for your help as well. A couple of questions:
Originally Posted by: jdi000 
Looking at file skin 1 edited, looking at the last 2 profiles it appears that at 8 decimal places the y point last 4 digits of some intersections is not the same. I changed the points to be the same 8 decimal points and redrew the bottom line so its only 1 segment. Then the first 5 segments skin solid. the last profile appears to have a bad spline either top or one of the right left sides, so to repair ( I did the following on the last profile.)
How did you check this and how might I do the same on future projects? More importantly, how could I have avoided this error?
Perhaps some background should shed light on this error. I'm trying to model a particular object (I'll show it when I get it done! ;)) that has some very complex curves, a real challenge for a CAD rookie such as myself. The way I decided to tackle the project was to build the model "Lego-style" to get as close as I could to final model. Then, I created a series of surfaces and used them to slice the model into pieces. Finally, to create the initial profiles, I took each of those pieces and exploded the leading edges. (I now know it would have been much, much simpler to just use the Surface/Solid intersect tool.)
Once I had those initial profiles made with the exploded edges, I begin to modify the profiles to match what they should be in the final model. My plan then was to delete the original solid and then Skin Solid over the new profiles. It hasn't quite worked out the way I wanted, obviously.
So, if this is not a program bug (I'm relieved!), then how can I make sure this doesn't happen again? What are the rules for using the Skin Solid tool that are obviously not included in the manual?
Thanks again guys for all your help!!!