and Vice Versa.
For Relative Positioning Bryce had a World POV Space, Camera POV Space and Object POV space which was chosen in a pick list.
I don't see too much documentation on the gripper in the user manual...what I really mean by that is:
Axis to object: - Don't understand exactly how this works and the documentation is very light on it's function it's purpose and properties.
Object to axis: - (which access x,y or z axis is the object aligning to of the destination object and from which axis of the source object?
In other words I don't know which of the 3 axis of the source or destination object is the aligning being done... or if more than one axis is involved. Is there a default alignment axis?... Can you choose the gripper alignment axis or change the default that can be modified with either the source or destination objects?
Reset Axis...I've seen posts about it but not sure if it just resets the gripper to "center" of the object or what.
So it would be good for the latest Tips and Tricks PDF to have add a bit more detail explaining those things IMO.
Even if it's all obvious, I would appreciate knowing why so I can do better "debugging" on my own.
I'll continue trying things on my own.
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