Short Version within the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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Longer Version within the LLLLLLLLLLLL
I am unable to create a solid originating from a pair of non-planar but swept or mirrored lines that have a z distance representing thickness. The end result is supposes to be a symmetrical solid. Using the various tools i get ACIS errors, error messages that lines are not planar, and cannot even sweep one surface that would remain bound by a mirror of the two original lines, and cannot sweep or otherwise extrude a solid bound by a fore or aft boundary line.
About the pics i attached
In image 1, i show the two mirrored (red) curves originating from the two green curves.
In image 2, i show 8 curves to which i could attach 2 surfaces, and if i want to enclose the whole thing, i'll need 6 more surfaces, using either newly-created curves, or by trying to attach surfaces to surface edges...
In image 3, i show where a hopeful expectation resulted in surfaces not desired. I used one of the rail sweep tools but none of them let me grab a surface (between the green curves) and extrude or mirror/extrude in mirror fashion. Having a mirror-extrude tool would eliminate multiple, unnecessary tasks when all that is needed is a single solid or one needs a simple enclosed surface that could provide volume information (without being compelled to create an unneeded solid)
In image 4, i show the non-parallel curves
In image 5, i show the ad-hoc surface i had hoped to mirror-extrude somehow
In image 6, i show an area of deck surfaces/lines preparation from before, which got tedious or can get tedious after a while
In image 7, i show a zoomed out view to put all this tedium into perspective
(post-uploading comment: the images are NOT presented in the order that i upload/attached each in, and, some became thumbnails. But, the images as i've described them have their number in their file names or in the mouse-over name.)
Longer explanation:
I have two non-planar lines where the forward x values are equal to each other and the aft x values are equal to each other. Being non-planar, the z values are not equal (and while they need not be parallel, in my case all of mine will be parallel to the baseline or the x axis).
As to the y values, in plan view, the forward y value of a supplied line/curve is not equal to the after y value, and this is because the final shape is to be a deck plate fitting in a faired hull. (Visualize a ship or a canoe, if you will.) In short, these two non-planar curves/lines come from pre-defined waterlines given different z values, which represent the thickness of the deck plating.
In the past i have laboriously used intersecting curves from what are the vessel's watertight bulkheads (solids from stitched surfaces originating from dxf 3d lines). I then created two surfaces from waterlines for each of the respective deck thickness lines. Then, i used the intersection tool to get fore and aft boundaries that are known due to the thickness of the transverse bulkhead previously mentioned.
That process is getting old, and it is very demoralizing to face correcting linework because of other larger changes nearby - such as shifting the x location of a bulkhead. Due to the size and large number of items in the model, i really do not think this model is an ideal candidate for use of smart surfaces that redraw according to plate boundaries. I feel this way because if i make a mistake and move something its dependencies may move, and this will create very long waiting times as the shape regenerates. This regeneration would affect or be affected by the presence of multiple other decks in the that area of the model.
Rather than create 14 additional lines representing a simple box (a box to the eye in geometry class, but not to the software, since 24 lines would be needed for all of the six surfaces for just ONE deck in that area of the model), it would be vastly easier if i could start out with just TWO lines, and tell the software to mirror those two about the x-axis while or before extruding a solid simultaneously. This resulting solid should be calculated BEFORE VC/VCP begins sweeping anything. (This would avoid vexatious ACIS complaints i previously endured when some badly-trimmed line didn't create a neatly closed boundary or line. So, it should not be heavily dependent upon ACIS as i'm irritated by ACIS blowing up on what seems to be quite simple constructions. )
So, to summarize, I want to take two curves/lines which in elevation or side view are parallel to the deck, but non-planar (because one is above and somewhat offset and not uniformly offset), and in plan view converging or diverging (depending on where in the hull they change due to lines fairing), and create a solid that is symmetrical about the centerline and which do not requre any subsequent trimming nor any selections of closed planar lines, and so forth.
I think that visually, this is trivial. It's just a matter of building a tool that captures a few assumptions that may need answers prior to sweeping. It would be nice of a wire-frame PREVIEW is offered to avert minutes-long ACIS cogitations and computations and generation time.
In the same vein, this tool could use the wireframe as the basis of a fully-bounded volume which could then be queried for its volume's value and this volume could be dynamically or manually updated based on the user inserting a solid or a represenatative solid so as to subtract or pseudo-Boolean the volume when fairly close but not necessarily accurate/final volumes estimates are needed.
Thank you for reading this...
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