Hello Tim,
Thanks for the quick response.
I did finally get the heightmap tool to convert the image. I just had to wait longer.
Though it would be a simple image to convert but once I saw the mesh I realized the picture had a lot of subtle noise.
I've attached the image anyway.
Found the unroll... Thank you.
Not sure how to feel about the other tools being in a PowerPack 'Pro'.
There was no 'Pro' option available when I upgraded.
I decided to upgrade to v10 after I watched the 'HeightMap to 3D Mesh' video at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiRIkJT0zjIwhich has the description: 'Using PowerPack 10, we demonstrate converting several bitmaps into 3D meshes.'
Guess I just assumed I would get everything shown in the videos 'PowerPack' menu. Probably my bad.
Really would have liked the 'mesh to solid' feature though as I frequently struggle with 'healing' and 'limits' when trying to stitch or skin downloaded stl files so I can mod them as solids.
Anyway, thanks again for the response.
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