Hello! I've been away from my work for a couple of years and now I'm trying to go back to work on some old projects and I find that I've forgotten a lot of what I knew about ViaCad. I'm using ViaCad Pro v12 with PowerPack.
This is an embarrassing question to have to ask but I simply cannot remember how I used to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I need to make a simple funnel with these particulars:
180mm diameter at top
25mm diameter at bottom
100mm total height
The funnel needs to be a surface, so that I can use the PowerPack "unroll surface" feature to turn the funnel into a flat shape that can be laser cut out of thin styrene and rolled up to form a physical funnel.
So, here's what I've done so far- I vaguely remember using this procedure to make funnels but I cannot remember how to complete the operation:
-Create one circle (curve) that's 180mm in diameter
-Create another circle (curve) that's 25mm in diameter
-Ensure the circles share the same centerpoint
-Move the 25mm circle down the Z axis 100 mm
-These two circles now represent the top and bottom rims of the funnel-to-be
You can see these two circles arranged as I've described in the attached image.
What I need next is to build a surface which represents the funnel wall. I need to do this without capping the top or bottom of the funnel with a surface, though.
So, which is the correct tool to use?
Also, if this is just the wrong approach to building what I'm describing, I'm open to hearing about a better approach.
Thanks, everyone.
Bogwind attached the following image(s):

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 3.57.45 PM.png
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