Well, I just installed and tried an import with Tim's latest update, WIP 1641. He listed some import fixes in the changes, and one sort of seems to have fixed the cluster of elevation data points, that in the last version I was using WIP 1638, were all imported on top of the origin (see image in post above).
Just to show what this new import looked like, and why it was confusing to me, here are three views of what I got when I did a raw import...
_3Clusters.pdf -- This is an overview of where the visible objects came in, in relative space, a bunch of stuff near the origin, a black blob up and to the right, and way off to the upper right, the lines associated with the drawing.
_BlackBlobCloseup -- This is a zoom in on the "black blob" just above and to the right of the origin, it contains the elevation text that was the primary content of the file. For whatever reason, the update to this WIP was able to move the data points off the origin, and show them as they were in the original dwg file.
_OriginCloseup.pdf -- This is zoomed in at the origin (compare to post above showing stated text), and shows the many objects and layers that the company uses for their various paper-size templates. Some text notes were clearly added to one of those layers (probably by mistake) and at an odd text size.
Again, this I mostly academic, and trying to understand what does or doesn't work with dwg / dxf imports and exports.
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