chipmaker2 wrote:I have just purchased the program and I ran into the same problem as you're having. I am able to make the dimensions look the way I want but can't seem to create a style that I can click on for a certain scale or situacion. I have resorted to using the eyedropper tool also. I created a style and can't seem to erase it or modify it like the drop down window warns when you go to save it.
Maybe I just need to learn more about the program. I would really like to be able to delete a style after it is created.
My solucion for now will be to create a template drawing with different possible dimensions and styles on a layer. I will keep that layer shut off until I need to anotate and then turn on the layer and use the eyedropper tool to copy the formating to the needed dimensions. In a tutorial that comes with the program there is shown is a way to keep the text at say 1/4" for example. But that does not scale the rest of the dimension parts arrows ETC. Maybe this work around (Use of templates) won't be necessary if someone has a better solution or if I can create a style that works. I just don't want to create too many styles that won't work and clutter up my styles drop down menu. Maybe once I am more confident I will attempt it again(create dim styles) and see if it will work for me they way I want.
I really like the program.:)
Good luck
The Standards manager lets you delete any of you user created dim standard see pic
Have you tried the check box scale values with text size?
You can modify and resave a user created dim standard as much as you want.
Here's what I do, maybe not the best but give it a try:
1.Create new user style, change the values you want here, and save exit manager
2. Select user style from Dimension Standard Layout
3. Pick all the item you want to stick in that style font, font height, arrow type, arrow size, dimension type, tolerance, number of decimal places dim, angle , and tolerance type.
4. Open standards manager and save.
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