Example below.
kind regards
Steps to do a knurl (example in mm units):
Select Top view
Place a one point (30mm diameter, 20mm height) Cylinder at 0,0,0
Place another one point (10mm diameter, 50mm height) Cylinder at the upper center of the first cylinder (0,0,20)
Select Bottom view
Place a Center Point (2mm width, 2mm height) Polygon at 0,0,0
Move the Polygon 15mm up along the y-axis to the the upper edge of the cylinder (eg. by using the Gripper)
Rotate the Polygon 45 degree around its center (eg. by using the Gripper)
With the polygon selected do a polar duplicate (Use the Polar Duplicate Tool: number=24, no translation, center 0,0,0)
Make a 20mm long right handed helix along the cylinder axis (Helix Spline tool, Ex.Pitch 8 times cylinder hight, hight =160mm, diameter 30mm, length 20mm, draft 0) by clicking on the two centers (0,0,0 and 0,0,20 )of the first cylinder. (use wireframe view and shit+right mouse button to dynamic rotate to see the centers)
Make a 20mm long left handed helix along the cylinder axis. (click again at the two centers, but with CTRL key pressed)
Optionally Do a 0.8mm chamfer on the top and bottom cylinder edges with the Constant Chamfer Tool.
Select Bottom view
Use the CutOut Colid tool with “Along Path” selected and click on the bottom side of first cylinder, select all the 24 polygons (with SHIFT key pressed), click one of the helixes (use shit+right mouse button to dynamic rotate to see the helixes)
Select Bottom view
Use the CutOut Colid tool again with “Along Path” selected and click on the bottom side of first cylinder, select all the 24 polygons (with SHIFT key pressed), click on the other helixe.
Select Front View
Do a 1 mm chamfer on the edge of the free end of the second cylinder with the Constant Chamfer Tool.
Select Isometric View
Open the Mechanical Tool Palette
Use the Thread Tool (options External, Pitch 1.5mm, Length 48mm) and click on the second cylinders face and after that on the center of the free end aof the second cylinder.
Use the Add Solid Tool and do a union of the two cylinder parts by clicking on each of them.
Do a 0.5 mm chamfer on the inner edge between the two cylinders with the Constant Chamfer Tool.
Optionally Do a Photo Rendering (image attached with Brass selected as material, rendering time of 160s, Jewelry Design Preset, and denoiser enabled with default settings).
It may be needed to use the Display Last Image if the renderring is not shown (small SW bug)
damhave attached the following image(s):

Knurl Example image.PNG
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